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Brett Young: ‘Ticket To L.A.’ Album Review

Brett Young’s sophomore album is finally here! In what felt like a long, anticipated wait, Young makes his way back to the charts with ‘Ticket To L.A.’ In as many years as he has albums, Young takes control of his artistry in year two and took the time to define himself with his second album. The thirteen track record has all but three songs not co-written by Brett. With many repeat writers throughout, it’s safe to say Young has found his groove in his sound and style. Young also features the popular and well-known pop/soul singer Gavin DeGraw on a track. So let’s buckle up and get ready for this journey – we’ve got a front row seat with our ticket to L.A.!

1) ‘Ticket To L.A.’ Written by Brett Young, Zach Crowell, and Jon Nite

Impression: In this sweet sounding melody, Brett opens up his sophomore album subtle and pleasant. ‘Ticket To L.A.’ depicts Brett running into a beautiful girl waiting for her plane in JFK airport. He missed his plane to talk with her all night during her delay. He was saying everything to try and get her to stay, but in the end was unsuccessful. On a hopeful note, he does end up getting her number during the midst of this song’s killer instrumentals.

Favorite Lyrics: It was midnight in the middle of JFK. Trying to take her mind off the fallin’ rain, I was saying anything to make her laugh. Never wanted anything so bad…

2) ‘Here Tonight’ Written by Brett Young, Ben Caver, Justin Ebach, and Charles Kelley

Impression: In Young’s first release off the album, he hits the charts running with this delicious hit. Hints of sex-appeal underline this single, partnered with classic Brett Young tones. ‘Here Tonight’ defines the feeling of never wanting to leave your person, and wondering what would happen if you disappeared together.

Favorite Lyrics: We can just stay here in this minute, lose all track of time. Let the world spin on without us for a while…

3) ‘Catch’ Written by Brett Young, Ross Copperman, and Ashley Gorley

Impression: ‘Catch’ is bound to be one of Brett’s greatest songs in his repertoire. The theme of “catching” is present throughout the entire track when he encounters someone who unexpectedly caught his attention. What was expected to be a lowkey night with the boys, turned into his entire plans getting changed because of someone new. Young’s voice is ridiculously charming, but strong in this tune. The instrumentals sound Gavin DeGraw-esque with a twist of country.

Favorite Lyrics: I thought that I’d catch a buzz, catch a game, catch up with the boys, the same old thing. Catch a cab back to my place, then I saw your face…

4) ‘1,2,3 – Mississippi’ Written by Brett Young, Justin Ebach, and Jon Nite

Impression: ‘1,2,3 – Mississippi’ is classic country with the writers bringing to you sweet verses. In order to stop himself from falling hard for a girl, Young says he needs a “mississippi” timeout – meaning he needs time to breathe and take it in before jumping head first.

Favorite Lyrics: I’ma need a 1-2-3, Mississippi time-out right now ’cause I’m fallin’ too fast for you listenin’ to your life story on the hood of a ’64 Cadillac.

5) ‘Let It Be Mine’ Written by Ross Copperman, Shane McAnally, and Jon Nite

Impression: Song five is one to instantly capture the ears of many. The chorus encapsulates the listeners, with Young’s tender vocals taking us on a trip. With calming guitars riffs and soft drums, the listeners will want to turn to Young themselves after hearing these lyrics.  

Favorite Lyrics: If you need someone to call tonight, a place to crash and let your body fall tonight. If you’re lookin’ for a kiss to make it all alright…

6) ‘Where You Want Me’ Written by Brett Young, Jessie Jo Dillon, and Shane McAnally

Impression: Young taps into his versatility with this track when his R&B tendencies take hold. To go hand in hand with the melody, sensuality fills Young’s tone of voice. As a play on words, ‘Where You Want Me’ tells the story of a guy being exactly where the girl wants him to be – in the palm of her hand, however, she still does not want him.

Favorite Lyrics: You live and die by the chase and I can tell by that look there on your face, you look at love like a race and once you’ve won, you’re done.

7) ‘Used To Missin’ You’ Written by Brett Young, Jon Nite, and Jimmy Robbins

Impression: Young takes his listeners down the road of missing someone with this track. Reminiscing is the forefront theme, partnered with light and happy riffs – ironic right?  

Favorite Lyrics: No matter what I do, it just ain’t no use. I just can’t get used to missin’ you.

8) ‘Change Your Name’ Written by Ross Copperman, Matt Jenkins, and Jon Nite

Impression: Young does it again with a multi-genre song by bringing in little hints of John Mayer. It wouldn’t be a Brett Young album without his ballads – and this is going to be one of his best! We’re gonna let the title of this track speak for itself. Give it a listen, y’all.

Favorite Lyrics: I don’t wanna change who you are. I don’t wanna mess with your dreams or get in the way of who you wanna be. No, I, I won’t stop your runaway heart. I just wanna be why you stay…

9) ‘Chapters’ ft. Gavin DeGraw You Written by Brett Young, Ross Copperman, and Gavin DeGraw

Impression: Gavin DeGraw is someone that Young idolizes – so he jumped at the opportunity to work with him on his second album. From the beginning, the listener can tell that this is a piece of work that has DeGraw in it, from the lyrics all the way to the melody. However, Young places him stamp on it with his country twist when the two collaborated on this track. Their voices mesh together perfectly and we hope to see more of this combination in the future. ‘Chapters’ is reflective of Brett’s life and pays homage to where he comes from.

Favorite Lyrics: Truth is that we all got stories, gotta fail on your way to glory. Takes time tryna get it right, but every future has a past…

10) ‘The Ship And The Bottle’ Written by Nicolle Galyon, Chase McGill, and Jon Nite

Impression: ‘The Ship and The Bottle’ can be described as a sultry ballad that is similar to one that we would hear from Kenny Chesney. Young takes a beachier approach to this song, which is different than his usual Cali vibes. This track compares the metaphor of a ship being stuck in a bottle to a girl being held down by the guy she is with. The bottle (the guy) wants the ship (the girl), but all the bottle does is keep the ship from going the places it’s destined to go. In this genius songwriting, Young urges the girl “you just might have to break me” – meaning his heart, but metaphorically speaking he is talking about the glass of the bottle.

Favorite Lyrics: You just might have to break me to do what you’re meant to do. You’re the ship, I’m the bottle, and I can’t do that to you.

11) ‘Reason To Stay’ Written by Brett Young, Jon Nite, Jimmy Robbins, and Emily Warren

Impression: Pop and soulful sounds with a picture of happiness and warmth are brought to you in ‘Reason To Stay.’ Waking up in the morning next to the one you love makes leaving bed very difficult. Young highlights all the best parts of staying in bed together instead of doing the other things they have to do.

Favorite Lyrics: I really like the way your head fits on my shoulder. I hate the way the morning’s always trying to mess this up…

12) ‘Runnin’ Away From Home’ Written by Brett Young, Zach Crowell, and Hillary Lindsey

Impression: ‘Runnin’ Away From Home’ fits in perfectly with this album with its tender instrumentals. On the pursuit to try and find better, Young found himself running away from the one thing that felt like home – and he finds that he was crazy to ever turn away from it. This song can be seen as a reflective counterpart to his previous hit ‘You Ain’t Here To Kiss Me’ – which tells the true story of Young leaving his hometown, after not seeing or telling his girlfriend at the time that he had come home for the holidays.

Favorite Lyrics: I must’ve been crazy, trying to let you go. You were the only one thing my heart has ever known. You were the place I wanna lay my head, instead I’m layin’ down alone…

13) ‘Don’t Wanna Write This Song’ Written by Brett Young, Zach Crowell, and Sean McConnell

Impression: To close out his second album, Young chose to go with another slow ballad (‘Mercy’ closed his debut album). Delivered on this heartfelt track is Young’s voice cutting through the darkness with a solo piano – this is where Brett is at his absolute best as an artist. The pain is evident throughout the lyrics and its meaning behind it cuts deep. A small twist to what appears to be a song about a relationship that just faded to black, is actually about losing a partner or spouse. A small line towards the end of the song is the pivotal moment that solidifies this thought – see if you can find it!

Favorite Lyrics: A heart half full or half empty is half gone either way, with you gone. What went wrong?

We can count on Brett Young to play with our emotions and take them on a wild ride. He delivered an amazing sophomore album, and in the two years that he has been on the radar, he presents to us work compared to those who have been doing it for years. We’re excited for his future in country music. Keep the records coming, Brett. You’re killing it.