Catching Up With Dylan Scott

Dylan Scott is a talented artist who has known his entire life that music was how he wanted to make his living. His father was a professional musician playing in bands for Freddy Fender and Freddy Hart in the 70s and 80s. Dylan picked up right where his dad left off signing with Curb Records before his 18th birthday. He told us he had “no idea” what he’d want to do if he hadn’t made music his career.

Despite how early he got his deal, it is very clear the appreciation Dylan has for being able to make music his career while also acknowledging that his dad’s success did make his road into music easier than it would be for most. Dylan also talked about how lucky he is to get to travel this great country of ours and have a career that has allowed him to see so much of it. When we asked him about his favorite place that he’s played he didn’t name a venue, as many artist have, but rather a city- Portland, Oregon, shouting out ‘VooDoo Doughnuts,’ a local hot spot in the Northwest city. He answered the same way when we asked him where he’d like to play that he hasn’t saying “Hawaii would be pretty cool. Just the experience to go but to actually go and play music, that’d be a lot of fun,” his passion for his work again coming through.

Dylan ScottDylan and his band have been on the road almost non-stop since his 2014 signing with the William Morris Agency. His band is made up of 2 sets of brothers and a best friend, and he cherishes and enjoys every moment out on the road with them. “It’s a group full of brothers and friends and it shows on stage. We like to have a good time and the chemistry is there. When were off stage, there’s no drama. It’s like a big family… Some nights we may play in front of 50 people and the next night 500, or even 5,000. Regardless of the size of the crowd, we want to always bring our “A” game and just be thankful that we can do this for a living.

We asked Dylan about his cover of Ed Sheeran’s ‘Thinking Out Loud,’ which is pulling massive numbers of listens on YouTube and Spotify. He told us he gained almost 30,000 followers on Facebook in the first week after he put the song on YouTube. However, he says plans for any other covers are on hold right now as he is focused on making a name for himself with his own music explaining “I’m sure down the road we’ll put out another cover but I don’t wanna get known as the guy that puts out the covers. It’s time that, which we already have, our last few singles have done great for us, but we need to go to the next level which is inside of the charts. That’s what our goal is, that’s what we’re working on these next few singles for. And hopefully, and I feel very confident about the next single and I feel like it’s going to be the one.”

He’s currently in the studio working on some songs which he plans to put out as an EP, or possibly get a full album together, depending on the success of the first few singles. He is writing for the release, something he says he loves doing. A song he wrote, ‘Ball Cap,’ recorded by Glen Templeton hit number one on Sirius Radio’s The Highway last year. He explained his passion for writing to us, “I hope our music connects with everybody. That’s the goal. Whether you’re a country music fan or you like rap, or you like pop, or whatever it is, my goal is to when I sing a song or write a song for somebody to take something away from it, besides ‘oh, that was a good country song.’ I mean whether they can take something from it that touches them in a way, or helps them through something they’re struggling with in their life or whatever. That’s what I want to do.

However, “if a song came in tomorrow that I didn’t write but it’s like of that’s a great song I wanna cut, I wanna record that.” One song he recorded off his last release that he didn’t write was fan-favorite, ‘Catch Me If You Can, which was written by Sam Hunt when both were unknowns who had just moved to town.

Talking to Dylan there is a good aura about the dude. He is clearly humble, yet ambitious, and beyond all doubt passionate. While he is driven to reach upper levels, he is appreciative of the success he already has. We appreciate him taking the time to sit down with us and cannot wait to hear his next single.

Be sure to give Dylan a follow on Twitter, on Facebook, and his official website.